Member Application

Membership is for corporations principally engaged in debt collections or debt purchasing activities and willing to meet the full criteria of membership.
Compliance and transparency is at the heart of ACDBA membership.


Members are required to provide the following data on an annual basis to ACDBA for the aggregation and publication of non-identifying industry statistics. Only aggregrated and non-identifying data is released by the ACDBA secretariat.  The data members agree to provide includes:

  • Number & value of debts under collection;
  • Breakdown of debts in terms of contingent collections and debt purchase collections;
  • Number of accounts under payment arrangements;
  • Number of employees in terms of contingent collections and debt purchase collections;
  • Total value collected from accounts;
  • Breakdown of number of contacts with debtors in terms of telephone, SMS, letters and emails;
  • Number of complaints received from debtors in the preceding period including summary breakdown of how handled ie via IDR or EDR together with a summary of outcomes; and
  • Details of any notifications by regulators of alleged breaches in preceding period together with summary of outcomes.

No data is collected from members in relation to revenue streams or client details.